Making Strides for a Cure
Kim Slowinski
Kim Slowinski
My husband was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at the age of 9. Back the the life expectancy was very young and the doctors told his parents that he would most likely not live past the age of 13. But thanks to research and advancements in therapies and medications he led a pretty healthy CF life until 2020 when he was going to be listed for a lung transplant at Cleveland Clinic. The day after his initial lung transplant consult he started the game changing drug trikafta and hasn't looked back. Since starting T at the age of 51 he has been taken off the transplant list and only requires 2-3 liters of oxygen as opposed to the 8+ he used to need. Even though there are modulators available for most CF patients, there are still 10% of patients that have mutations that do not respond to modulators.
that is why we need to continue to raise money and awareness do one day CF can stand for Cure Found.
Will you help us cure cystic fibrosis?
By donating to my fundraising goal, you have the power to advance the research and science needed to make CF stand for Cure Found.
that is why we need to continue to raise money and awareness do one day CF can stand for Cure Found.
Will you help us cure cystic fibrosis?
By donating to my fundraising goal, you have the power to advance the research and science needed to make CF stand for Cure Found.
