Corporate Cup at Southpointe

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Corporate Cup at Southpointe

This is the 10th Anniversary of this event!  Stay tuned for updates about sponsors, game day and fundraising assistance!
CF Foundation's Corporate Cup offers a fantastic opportunity for great branding, visibility and fun engagement opportunities for your company and staff, all while getting competitive for a cause. This annual event unites corporate teams with great benefits including engagement and the opportunity to impact cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease with no cure.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Corporate Cup begins with trivia night, a low-key and fun way to get the competitive juices flowing.  The following day is a field day-style competition. This philanthropic, team-building event showcases leaders that are not only making a positive local impact but are also committed to supporting the Foundation’s mission.
Your team fee and/or sponsorship supports the mission of the CF Foundation; to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care.

Event Details:

Trivia Night Competition: Thursday, September 18 - 5:00pm "doors" open - 6:00pm, trivia starts.
Enjoy refreshments, competition and networking all under the stars from our picturesque Quail Pavillion. It's a great start to this very special event.

Competition Day: Friday, September 19 - 8am "doors open", opening ceremony, sponsored by Viatris, begins at 8:30am.  Games begin at 9am. Quail Pavillion is available for team meet-ups, refreshments and event information.

Ideally, you will want 12 teammates for competition day.  If your staff is too small, feel free to invite vendors, clients, family to join your team.  (Lowest number of teammates is nine.

List of tentative competitions: (subject to change)
Balloon Toss
Field day relay
Fundraising total
One-mile (ish) Run

Your fundraising and donation total is a competition and worth DOUBLE points towards your final score! After you register, you can use the participant center, the Fight CF mobile app, or fundraise on Facebook to reach your goal. Make sure to look for teammates who have employers with a matching gift program. That’s the best way to double your dollars!

Share your story: Whether you have a personal connection or just love this incredible event, share your story to help others understand your “why”, the reason you and your teammates participate in Corporate Cup! Keep watch for lots of incentives to boost your fundraising efforts for this milestone 10th anniversary!

Scoring: Points will be awarded to the top 4 finishers in each individual competition:
1st place = 20 points
2nd place = 10 points
3rd place = 5 points
4th place = 5 points

Points are doubled in fundraising competition (ex: 1st place = 40 points)

Team with the most points receive a traveling trophy with their company name engraved.

Plaques awarded to 1st place teams in each competition.

Thank you for your efforts to raise awareness and funds so that we can get one step closer to curing cystic fibrosis. Your participation is critical to advance our mission, and now is the time to act. Sign up today to take steps towards a cure for cystic fibrosis!
Find a Participant
Nancy Moore
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Diane Marion
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Jennifer Franz
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Annie Beck
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Aaron Rose
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Katie Reed
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Derrick Bachman
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Shane Holland
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Greg Hannah
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Ashley Mikelonis
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Kevin Heater
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Find a Team
Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Auma Actuators
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Range Resources
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Olympus Energy
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Bestway Powertrain
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Corporate Cup at Southpointe
Create a Team
Thank You to our Local Sponsors 

Step Up Your Fundraising

Become a 65 Roses Champion

by raising $1,000 or more

Create a National Team

Join up with friends, family, and colleagues across the country and locally to participate in multiple events, make sub-teams, and get fundraising support to grow your impact.

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Donations and Event Logistics

Events may be subject to change based on health or safety concerns. If an event is moved to virtual, sponsorship benefits may be adjusted to fit that format. If an event is cancelled, your local contact will reach out to discuss options.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, we commit to equity, racial justice, diversity, and inclusion as core principles guiding our efforts to provide all people with CF the opportunity to live long, fulfilling lives. We strive to host inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please be aware that a 3-week notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for the Foundation to arrange. If you have a disability and require accommodations to fully participate in this activity, please contact the chapter for assistance.

Contact this Chapter

Thank you to our National Sponsors!

National Peer to Peer Sponsors

Outstanding Corporate Supporter

Attendance Policy

The CF Foundation is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and healthy experience for individuals attending Foundation Events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Attendance Policy and accompanying guidelines, which include guidance for event attendee's living with cystic fibrosis.