Surf for CF

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About Surf for CF!

Join the CFF San Diego and Hawaii Chapter for the 8th Annual Surf for CF Event! The event includes our "foamies only" surf team competition and free surf lessons for people living with cystic fibrosis.


There are many positive aspects of the ocean and surfing lifestyle - mental, emotional and physical - for which people living with cystic fibrosis can benefit. Did you know that surfers played a role in the development of hypertonic saline, an important treatment for those living with cystic fibrosis? Inhaling salt water re-hydrates the lining of the lungs and loosens the thick mucus that builds up, thus reducing recurrent infections alongside its associated lung damage and respiratory failure. This relationship between CF and surfing sparked the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's San Diego team to create the country's first Surf for CF.


Foamies Only Contest Facts
• Raise or donate $150 minimum
• Teams are comprised of 4 surfers.
• The contest will be judged on a point system. The three teams with the highest points at the end of all of the waves will be presented with prizes.
• Points will be awarded for catching a wave, dance moves, pirouette, switchstance, hang 5, cockroach/coffin/driving a car, headstand, hang 10 and a party wave.
• PLEASE REMEMBER: This is a Foamies Only surf competition. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN FOAM BOARD TO SURF.
We have LIMITED space and can only allow 18 TEAMS to compete in this years' contest so please be sure to sign your team up quickly so as not to miss out on this exciting event and fun day in the sun supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! 
To sign up for the surf contest:
• Team Leaders - register to participate by clicking "Register" under Event Details, and at the bottom of your registration click "Create a Team" *Please note, this functions the same as renewing and bringing back your team from previous year(s).
• Team Members - after your Team Leader has created the team, click "Register" under Event Details and then the "Join a team" button at the bottom of registration and search for your team.
• Individual Surfer - click the "Register" on this event page and follow the registration process without creating or joining a team. You will be placed on a team on the event day.
For additional information or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jenn Kalker at: or 858-452-2873

Thank you for your efforts to raise awareness and funds so that we can get one step closer to curing cystic fibrosis. Your participation is critical to advance our mission, and now is the time to act. Sign up today to take steps towards a cure for cystic fibrosis!

Step Up Your Fundraising

Become a 65 Roses Champion

by raising $1,000 or more

Create a National Team

Join up with friends, family, and colleagues across the country and locally to participate in multiple events, make sub-teams, and get fundraising support to grow your impact.

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Donations and Event Logistics

Events may be subject to change based on health or safety concerns. If an event is moved to virtual, sponsorship benefits may be adjusted to fit that format. If an event is cancelled, your local contact will reach out to discuss options.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, we commit to equity, racial justice, diversity, and inclusion as core principles guiding our efforts to provide all people with CF the opportunity to live long, fulfilling lives. We strive to host inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please be aware that a 3-week notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for the Foundation to arrange. If you have a disability and require accommodations to fully participate in this activity, please contact the chapter for assistance.

Contact this Chapter

Thank you to our National Sponsors!

National Peer to Peer Sponsors

Outstanding Corporate Supporter

Attendance Policy

The CF Foundation is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and healthy experience for individuals attending Foundation Events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Attendance Policy and accompanying guidelines, which include guidance for event attendee's living with cystic fibrosis.